What is Cazmo Cash? ANSWERS

Cazmo Cash is a type of money that is used in Planet Cazmo. There are only 3 ways to get this cash. The first way is to *Refer A Friend*. You can go to my guide labeled

  • Guide To Getting Cazmo Cash (FREE)!    under my pages on the right side of my site. The second way is to become a member. When a member, you get an allowence of 100 Cazmo Cash a month, and 1000 Cazmo Coins (CC). The last way is to just buy the Cazmo cash. You can buy it by clicking on the cash11 icon during game play. A window should open that looks like the picture below.
  • cash112

    Select one of the 5 options, then you have to enter the credit card info.

    Ok, that takes care of HOW to get Cazmo Cash, now to tell you what you can do with it.

    With Cazmo Cash, you can buy almost anything. For example: A space craft, a vehickle, shirts, etc…. And most of the stuff you can buy with Cazmo Cash is a lot better than stuff you can buy with only Cazmo Coins (CC).

    That raps up this guid, I hoped it helped! 🙂

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