Planet Cazmo Badges

There are 7 Cazmo Badges totall (not including moderater badge) I will list you them.

noobThis is the badge to the Cazmo Noob. Someone who has play for 2 weeks and under.

playaThis is the badge for the Cazmo Playa. Its for Cazmos that have played from 2-6weeks.

rocker1This is the badge for the Cazmo Rocker. Its for Cazmos that have played for at least 6weeks.

superstar1This is the Cazmo Superstar badge. This is for Cazmos that have played for at least a year.

cpcThis is the badge for Planetar. It is fot Cazmos that have completed the Jeff and Torgo quest. I will have guide to all quests soon.

moderatorThis is the Cazmo Cadet badge. It is for Cazmos that have completed the Cazmo Quiz.

ambassadorThis is for the Ambassador badge. It is for Cazmos that have a site that has 100-1000 hits. It must be creative.


Well, that raps up the badge guide! Hope it helps!

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